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MozCon Promises Not to be the Typical Marketing Conference

The world of internet marketing continues to change rapidly, as technology pushes the bounds of innovation in business and advertising and more people flock to social platforms and other online channels. Accordingly, events like MozCon exist to help marketers make sense of the changing tides of the times, but the digital marketing event looks to deliver something fresh at every turn. 

MozCon is an annual gathering of SEO experts and digital marketing professionals to learn about the latest industry best practices, network with other practitioners, and learn from some of the best in the industry. This year, it’s coming back in an online format as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to restrict most movements and gatherings. Nonetheless, the event promises to deliver a jam-packed schedule of breakout seminars, networking opportunities, and many other virtual activities from July 12 to 14, 2021.

The marketing event brings together a long roster of speakers on one platform, including industry leaders like Amanda Milligan, Areej AbuAli, Brie Anderson, Britney Muller, Cyrus Shepard, Dana DiTomaso, Dr. Pete Meyers, Jackie Chu, Joy Hawkins, Joyce Collarde, Luke Carthy, Rob Ousbey, Noah Learner, Ross Simmonds, and many others. Topics that the resource speakers will touch on include agency marketers, SEO, B2B2C Marketing, women in technology, evergreen marketing, diversity, Google algorithms, reporting and analytics, business resilience, and remote work.

On top of listening to speakers, attendees will also get the chance to join what organizers call “Birds of a Feather” peer discussion groups. These open-floor online discussions will give MozCon participants the opportunity to engage, network, and discuss with people from all around the world, somewhat mimicking a face-to-face experience by giving people the chance to meet and mingle with other people in their industry. “Birds of a Feather at MozCon are purposeful yet unstructured discussion groups organized around topics that matter to today’s digital marketers,” shares the MozCon committee on the event website. “After all, a big part of the conference experience is meeting new connections and reconnecting with older ones.” 

The conference is an effort by the SEO tools and resource company Moz. Founded by Rand Fishkin and Gillian Muessig in 2004, the site exists to help build an engaging community around search engine optimization and digital marketing while promoting openness, collaboration, and integrity in professional practice. Initially, the company was called SEOmoz, inspired by companies like Mozilla and DMOZ. 

Today, Moz is one of the leading companies and resources for everything related to search marketing and digital strategies. It currently offers one of the most trusted website SEO services in the industry and provides various tools to help companies and agencies drive more traffic, get more leads, and increase sales through digital strategies. 

The MozCon welcomes sponsors like Wix and Pages and will offer all kinds of insights on what tools marketers can use to improve their digital marketing strategies in 2021 and beyond. Also available on and before the event is a bundle of last year’s seminars and talks watchable on-demand at one’s convenience.

Event registration is now ongoing, with bundles and early bird rates still available to aspiring attendees. Learn more by visiting MozCon’s website.

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