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Social Media Expert Rocco Petrarca Explains How Airlines Are Tapping into Social Media

Social Media Expert Rocco Petrarca Explains How Airlines Are Tapping into Social Media
Photo Courtesy: Tommy Zuma

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, brands are constantly seeking innovative ways to capture and hold the attention of their audience. The rise of social media platforms has opened up a new frontier for advertising, one that demands creativity and a deep understanding of consumer behavior. Among these platforms, TikTok has emerged as a powerful tool for engaging content, particularly in sectors where experience trumps the physical product. New York social media expert Rocco Petrarca, a visionary in digital and social media strategy, is making waves in the private aviation industry.

Petrarca’s approach to digital marketing transcends traditional methods by focusing on what he calls the “share and save” metric. This unique strategy prioritizes interactions that indicate a deeper level of user engagement with content—namely, when viewers share videos with others or save them for later viewing. According to Petrarca’s experience working with Meta platforms Facebook and Instagram, “The successful video ads draw the user in with beautiful images that tell a story and then only mention the product at the end.” It’s this philosophy that has propelled private aviation companies into new heights within the digital realm under his guidance.

The results he got from working on Meta can easily be obtained on Tiktok. Petrarca’s close collaboration with an airshare company puts the spotlight on the airline’s amenities through captivating videos. These aren’t mere advertisements, but narratives that immerse viewers into an experience so enthralling, that they remain glued to their screens until the very last second. The outcome? A surge in viewer engagement manifested through shares and saves—a testament to Petrarca’s ingenious method.

“We prefer visually stunning videos like ones that highlight the features of a private luxury airline,” Rocco explains. The viewer becomes so enamored with the experience, that it isn’t until the end of the clip when they realize it’s an ad. This subtle, yet impactful revelation at each video’s conclusion magnifies its effect, leaving viewers not only impressed, but also more inclined towards interaction beyond passive consumption.

Petrarca’s strategy revolves around creating content that focuses less on overtly selling a product and more on sharing an experience. By doing so, he taps into social media platforms and their vast audience who crave authentic connections and stories, over traditional advertisements. This approach has not only set him apart in his field but also enabled him to generate impressive results for his clients.

Under Petrarca’s expert guidance at his previous job working at the marketing agency Octonano LLC, more than 500,000 impressions have been made on videos targeting audiences across the United States for an airshare company, alone. Furthermore, these efforts have reached over 225,000 people—a significant achievement demonstrating his ability to connect brands with potential customers effectively.

But what makes Petrarca’s method particularly groundbreaking is how it leverages human psychology. The share and save features serve as indicators of content that resonates deeply with viewers—content they deem worthy enough to revisit or recommend. In today’s fast-paced digital world where attention spans are short-lived, securing such engagement marks a remarkable feat.

The success behind Petrarca’s innovative strategy lies not just in its execution but also in its foundation; understanding how narratives can shape perception and influence behavior online. By crafting stories around experiences rather than products themselves, he creates a bridge between luxury travel aspirations and reality—one compelling video at a time.

Rocco Petrarca’s work serves as an example for those navigating through digital marketing’s complex waters; proving that authenticity combined with strategic innovation can elevate brand presence profoundly within social media landscapes. And this approach can be used on various platforms, be it on Instagram or the growing demand for TikTok videos.

For those interested in following Rocco’s journey or seeking insights from his latest projects within private aviation or beyond, you can connect with him via Instagram at www.instagram.com/rocco_petrarca/ or LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/in/roccopetrarca/. His expertise illustrates how industries can help adapt to changing tech paradigms, but also highlights how social media platforms are an emerging powerhouse for brands to transform conventional advertising narratives into engaging visual stories tailored for today’s discerning digital audience.


Published By: Aize Perez

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