Lisa Kastner, better known by her moniker, Kali Metis, thrills readers with her new novel CURE, revolving around the story of Luna Auber as she untangles the case of her brother’s apparent suicide. The book follows the female lead as she discovers that her brother has left not only the keys to his apartment but also an unexpected trip to Sweden and instructions to explore the heritage of Birke, an iconic female Viking warrior.
“Following her beloved brother’s lead, Luna will soon discover that the terrible shakes he suffered from were misdiagnosed. The shaking was, in fact, the early stages of his transformation. Her brother was a shapeshifter, a lycanthrope. And her own shaking has just begun. Luna will be forced to make a choice that could either transform or destroy the world as she knows it,” the plot for CURE reads.
CURE blends historical fiction, horror, magical realism, and literary forms within its pages, all weaved together by the author’s unrivaled talent and imagination. A thoroughly researched story, the book combines history and fiction along with modern legends, taking readers on an unforgettable journey.
“I intentionally wrote fight scenes based on a character who didn’t learn martial arts, wasn’t taught how to fight. Instead, she had to cheat to win, and I have her cheat in ways that are realistic. So if someone is in a position in which they are being attacked, they can use the same techniques to defend themselves without having to go to a self-defense class or hundreds of hours of martial arts training. I need to thank Jonathan Maberry for helping me craft these scenes to ensure they are accurate. He used to teach self-defense at Temple University,” said the author.
For her novel CURE, the author shared that while she was working on a short story for a magazine, she was dared by Jonathan Maberry, New York Times bestselling and multi-award-winning author of The Wolfman and Kagen the Damned, to create a new female hero in a story she would love to read. Not one to say no to a challenge, Kali Metis enthusiastically created a heroine, Luna Auber, who is sure to take readers on an enriching, wild, fun, and fantastic journey while simultaneously educating people on the art of self-defense.
As Jonathan Maberry said, “With CURE, Kali Metis reinvents the werewolf novel in a compelling and terrifying way and brings a new heroine to the forefront! Very highly recommended.”
Asked what inspired her to start her own publishing company, Kali Metis shared that she witnessed many authors aspiring to get their voices out there but could not find the right platform that would allow them to reach readers. Then, her now-husband suggested the idea of starting her own press instead of waiting for other publishers. Since then, Running Wild Press has been an avenue for budding writers with great stories and excellent writing skills. The company has also brought stories of different genres by underrepresented groups to mainstream readers, giving their works the spotlight they deserve.